About Us

Created and maintained by OG of the Hemp and Cannabis Community. 

Our founders and principles helped build the modern Hemp and Cannabis industries. We serve on committees or boards of the most influential Cannabis and Hemp organizations in the US. We understand the Plant and serve as Stewards of it. Our roots go back to protests of the Nixon administration and the Washington DC smoke in. We have cultivated in the Emerald triangle and lobbied in Congress. We have grown, sold, manufactured, extracted, formulated, studied, researched, defended and fought for the Cannabis plant in all forms for over 50 years and will continue until all cannabis prisoners are free and all people who desire her have access.

Our Story

The founders and principles of LEGLHemp.com are making a stand for our sacred plant. Dedicated to stewardship and service we cannot in good conscience stay silent. Disgusted with the proliferation of synthetic cannabinoids in a money grabbing scheme by circumventing regulations without regard to science or safety. Synthetic cannabinoids occupy over 97% of the Tobacco store and online marketplace  with almost no science, no research, no standards, no history and no regard for anything except profit from potential poison. In the history of the world there has never been a death from the Cannabis or Hemp plant. That story has changed with the introduction of Synthesized Intoxicating Hemp Derivatives (IHD’s) beginning in March of 2020.

What We Do

We do Cannabis, we know, live and love our Sacred Plant. We offer only the finest all LEGL curated Hemp based products allowing us to ship our natural wonders to you legally under the provisions of the 2018 Farm Bill. We only offer all Natural Products, you will never find a synthetic, derivative or isomer on this site. We have tried and use every product on this site and live by our Happiness Policy. We pledge to provide all natural, mental, physical and emotional health and wellness products from the Sacred Plant to all who desire her.

"Growing hemp as nature designed it is vital to our urgent need to reduce greenhouse gases and ensure the survival of our planet."

Jack Herer

"The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps to produce serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world."

Carl Sagan

"Hemp is one of the greatest, most important substances of our nation"

Thomas Jefferson

We are experts

The team behind LEGLHEMP are world experts in the subject and stewards of the plant for the last 50 years in the war against our plant and our people.

Only Natural Products

As stewards of the Cannabis plant all of our products are natural, some even organic. No conversions or synthetic cannabinoids are sold on this site.

Products We Offer

Relax your mind and enjoy the peace the plant provides. LEGL Hemp products are safe and natural, created from nature herself. Our companion plant products are available from non-intoxicating to highly intoxicating depending on what you choose. Treat your mind to what it needs from relief of occasional anxiety to full on intoxication.

Our ECS System

The cannabis plant produces cannabinoids which interact with the bodies own endocannabinoid system or (ECS). The ECS system is responsible for maintaining harmony and balance for all of the bodies systems. This regulatory system we now know as the ECS helps balance the functions of all mammals living on planet earth.

Divi Wellness
Contact Us

215 E High Street Lexington, KY 40507

(800) 343-2366
